Writing about writing, and about writing on this weblog specifically. kind of pretentious and self-involved, but oh well!
Hmmm, each entry here been significantly longer than the one that came before it, an alarming trend that threatens flood the internet with overwrought, introspective text if it continues! (although this probably happened long ago, and with little help from me.) I had a similar problem with my first weblogthing, but it eventually slowed down to a regular pace, and then eventually to an infrequent crawl.
Today, I'm attempting to get things down to a manageable level early so that I'll be able to keep churning out something every day.
Soon I will also stop talking about this silly weblogthing and hopefully arrange words in a much more interesting sequence.
However, that day ain't today.
Instead I'm going to talk about why I picked "slowseason" as the address for this page. It won't take long.
The main reason was that apokalipsis.blogspot.com, nottheend.blogspot.com, endtimes.blogspot.com and other title-appropriate names were already taken. I briefly considered taking a name with a number in it, like my roommates Ed (twelvegates.blogspot.com) and Grant (50fifty.blogspot.com), but I sort of hate numbers a little bit. And anyways, there are too many weird numbers associated with The Apocalypse already.
So I just started throwing words together in my mind, and slowseason stuck. I don't really like it much now, but it's the address, and changing it would just make me harder to find again.
To me slowseason is kind of about California, where it's basically all one long springsummer, with none of the wild variance Erin and I saw coming across the Northern U.S. It also ties in with my feelings about an apocalypse or revelation -- they don't usually come all at once in a big climactic burst like in the movies. Mostly things unfold so slowly it's hard to notice, but things are happening, things are changing and the revolution, the revelation, is blooming right in front of us, even when we feel stagnant and like we're going nowhere. Everything's building, and that's life. That's the slowseason
. . . dot blogspot dot com.