Thursday, January 12, 2006


Picture me in a tie and a short-sleeved, black collared shirt. I am riding a skateboard through a Californian January day. It is sunny of course, but cool enough that the smog has dissipated and you can see actually see mountains on the horizon. I am eating fish and rice from a take-out container with chopsticks as I sail down the sidewalk, my tie flipping in the wind.
This is me coming directly from my second job, where I am a host at a sushi bar and wear a blue Japanese jacket with a dragon on it over my shirt and tie, and heading to my third job, where I am a public relations writer in an office on the second floor of an auditorium and figure that a tie might help me to make a good, officely impression.
It’s my first week at job number three, which is the only “real, professional job” I’ve ever had. Before this, my jobs have all been random one-shot, dead-end deals that have given me good stories but a wanderer’s sparse resume. And occasionally, as in the case of the sushi bar, free lunches.
My first job – and I’m listing these not in terms of importance or how long I’ve had them, but in the order they come in schedule, stacked right ontop of each other – my first job, the one I get up 6 a.m. for, is taking care of a disabled professor. I get him dressed, bathe him, go exercising and run errands with him. He is my job, as well as my boss. So far it’s the job I’ve learned the most for.
And of course it’s the job that in order to get to I skate across town before the sun has come all the way out and the air is still dark and the sky is wispy with bits of pastel pink and blue. And sometimes, if I’ve spent too much time in the morning on job number four, I make the voyage while scrubbing my teeth with my electric toothbrush.
Job number four is not something I get paid for, and I have to fit it in around cracks in my schedule. It is the webcomic hinted at two posts below to debut “this winter,” which although it sounds ambiguous and non-committal, actually means “on Sunday.”
And that is a lame ending for this post, but I really hope you guys check out the comic when it goes up, and I need to go to bed now.
Tomorrow is another busy day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

fast season

I'm too busy and tired right now to write up why I am too busy and tired to write it up.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Coming Soon . . .

it will be so rad!!!