Apologies all around.
Sorry about the lack of updates! I have been busy writing a few screenplays and feel guilty if I work on anything else. Screenplays are going slow, but coming along OK. Regular updates shall continue on Monday when Erin and I return from visiting family in the desert.
Here are weird things about working in the computer lab:
Someone printed out what looks like 250 pages of survey questions and never picked them up. They are still sitting on the printer in a nice, large pile. Everyone was mad at me for a while because they had to wait for these surveys to print before they could print their own stuff.
Also, I got up to go to the bathroom the same time this older woman was leaving the computer lab. We nearly ran into each other. It turns out she was headed to the restroom, too. It was a little weird, but hey, everyone has to go, right? BUT THEN as I was exiting the men's restroom just a few minutes later, she was exiting the women's restroom at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME!!
Either this woman is an alternate universe version of myself (*shudder*) who has somehow found her way into our reality, and I can expect to cross paths with her as we each perform other routine and mundane tasks in the future in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY, until we are forced to duel to the death over, I don't know, stapling photocopies or getting a drink of water or something, BECAUSE THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE, *OR* it just sort of takes everyone the same amount of time to go to the bathroom.
u decide!