Considered blogging. Finally blogged. Everyone yawned.
Here's a list of six-word stories stories from various sci-fi and fantasy writers. It's worth mentioning for two reasons:
1. Even though more respected authors contributed, Stan Lee actually turned in the best engry.
2. An old college prof of mine, James P. Blaylock, offers up a story there as well! Blaylock was a great teacher and an excellent writer, though none of his students really seemed to recognize it. He knew both Phillip K. Dick and William Gibson personally, although you had to kind of pry him for details. He never threw that kind of thing around to impress people. When I mentioned in class that I had read one of his stories (which was online), he raised his eyebrows high and said, "really?" I wonder how much fanmail and stuff he gets. I wonder how many deeply respected artists walk in our midsts without us ever knowing it.
The thing about six-word stories is that, like haiku or limericks, they're kind of addicting. A few of the authors in that list contributed many times over, which I think sort of dulls the point.
But, oh well. Here are two more from me:
-Played PONG until dawn. Kept losing.
-Wrong step equals fire. Bring it!
That last one will only make sense if you read the story at the link.