Today is the Greatest Day
Today is a confluence of forces and dates.
Twenty two months ago today, Erin and I were only twenty when we sat beneath the stars and decided to start dating. We couldn't at the time wrap our minds around "boyfriend" and "girlfriend."
The new Star Wars film came out today, exactly six years from when Episode One premiered and my best friends and I skipped out of school early to go see it. Of course I brought my lightsaber and Max Rebo beanie buddy. I thought the movie was pretty OK.
But the second one stunk, and I no longer care like I used to. So far I have no plans to see the final film. A girl in my science final was wearing a Star Wars t-shirt today at least. My sixteen year old self would not believe that this would be such a non-issue to my twenty-one year old self.
Also, tomorrow morning I will take what might be my final academic test ever. It's about the apocalypse.
Today we also finished putting together the fourth issue of Gabbo, the literary journal Paul Traska and I started two years ago. It will come out tomorrow.
Also, my parents are coming tomorrow for graduation on Saturday.
Sometimes everything comes together all at once.