So here is the sushi story I had originally intended to tell in the first post.
It goes like this (some of you may have already heard it):
So I am talking to the girl who is training me, whose name is Chao. She is apparently a math teacher during the day, but she looks like she is about twelve years old.
I show her a picture of Erin on my cell phone and she asks how long we have been dating. I tell her about two and a half years. I’m kind of proud of the fact, since I don’t know a lot of people who have managed to maintain a serious relationship that long, especially a long-distance one.
Chao seems slightly shocked.
“Two years?” she says, “that’s not very long. My boyfriend and I have been dating for eighteen years. But we’re getting married soon.”
Eighteen years. I’m not making that part up. I haven’t maintained a relationship with anyone unrelated to me biologically for even close to eighteen years. Chao must obviously be much more than twelve years old, but even assuming that she is closer to 30, it seems downright absurd.
I mentioned this the other day to my coworker Susan, who is the same age as me. “It’s not that weird,” she said, “Chao is older than she looks. She’s like 10 years older than us. Seriously. And I’ve been dating my boyfriend for like seven years, so that’s about the same.”
But still, I said, that’s a long time to date someone.
“Yeah, but they’re getting married soon,” Susan said.
I do not know anyone else who is still with the person they were dating when they were fourteen, except for my brother I guess, but he still IS fourteen, so that doesn’t count. I know people who have married their high school sweethearts and all that, but none of them dated for seven years – let alone eighteen – before getting married. High school sweethearts tend to get married as soon as high school is over.
In the culture that I’m used to, dating for more than two or three years is usually regarded as a sign of indecision or extenuating circumstances.
When I thought about writing this, I had planned on whining about relationships and commitment and How Things Are Confusing Sometimes and I Just Don’t Understand Them, but it turns out that I’m just not up to it right now, and you probably aren’t either.
I love you all, though.