Current Mood: Sleepy
I bet you guys didn't know I'm working on the new Spider-Man movie, did you? The Kingpin is going to be in it. He's awesome. His suit is purple. Here's a picture:
Also, be sure to keep checking out True Tales of Bravery and Honor. It is drawn better than Spider-Man 3 will be, but it will probably make less money because it is more independent and not run by the studio big-wigs. Also, it's got important themes and real-life characters, which means it will bomb at the box office. But we maverics must do what we can.
(See how poignant it is????) (click it to read!)
OMC, I'm going to bed.
Current Music: I don't have any. :(
I enjoyed your sushi stories.
thanks, man!
I still have one more coming I think.
what is "omc"?
"oh my crap"
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