Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This story is a) about me, and b) quite funny! It is written by my friend Jennie from Koisan.
I am quitting Koisan, the sushi bar where I work, in just over a week. It's kind of strange because this is the first time that I have quit a job for any reason besides "I am moving away and it will be geographical impossible for me to continue my duties here."
I will miss it, because it's an easy job that I know how to do well. I will also miss the people I work with there, mostly Jennie, who stopped working lunch shifts with me a few months ago, and Bang, who has been my Koisan cohort longer than anyone else. I will also miss making jokes in Spanish with the cooks in the back, folding ten thousand red napkins into roses at the beginning of each shift, greeting regular customers by name, and sometimes getting curry for lunch.
I'm really comfortable at Koisan, probably more so than I have been at any other job I've had. Which I think is one of the reasons that I need to move on.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

politics, briefly

So the Democrats have won both houses of Congress and a lot of governor races, too!

Why this is good: it proves the power of democracy -- people were unhappy with what was going on, so they voted to change it.

Why this is not great: there's kind of a sense that this was a vote AGAINST Republicans rather than a vote for the Democrats. Voters are saying, "we're sick of scandals, corruption and war!" but it remains to be seen whether the new regime will rid us of any of those things.

I would like to see things change not because those in power have proved themselves incompetent, but because those who could be in power have proved themselves to be truly visionary! I would like to see things truly change for the better instead of just away from the worse.

I want people to stop asking the easy questions ... of course people who have become corrupted should not remain in power! That is an easy question. I want to hear people asking questions like:
-how can we prevent the corruption of those in power in the first place?
-when are we going to stop relying on cars and oil?
-what can we do to seriously fight global hunger?
-how can we rehabilitate our criminals rather than marginalizing them?
-why has it become so hard to intelligently debate politics in America?
-what can we do to better educate and empower our young people?

oh, don't you know? talking about a revolution sounds like a whisper.