I'm starting to feel compelled to do this ...
-Last day at the sushi bar was today. A bunch of my friends came in to eat lunch and wish me well, which was very nice of them. I was even able to sit down for a couple of minutes and hang out in their booth because my replacement, who I have been training this week, was covering me at the time. Some of our regular customers made a point to wish me well before they left, and my buddy Bang nearly refused to say goodbye. Leaving places is strange. I still have to go pick up my next paycheck.
-The bad news is that almost everyone in my office at Chapman is sick. The good news is that I feel fine!
-Went to see Casino Royale tonight with Ed, Kyle and Nicole. It passes muster.
-Afterwards, Kyle made us all listen to Damien Rice, who totally makes me fall asleep no matter what. There is ONE song on his new album that is not a sleepytime song, however, and it is currently stuck in my head. la la la.
-Tomorrow is Saturday, but I have SO MUCH TO DO!!