Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Haps

-I have been hired full time at Chapman University as their Public Relations Coordinator, which will be my first 40hr/week gig since working concessions at Mount Rushmore in the summer of 2003. It also effectively ends an eighteen-month period of job-vagabonding, which has included stints of various lengths as a pipe de-denter, bad freelance writer, Christmas light hanger, sushi bar host, high school tutor and public relations writer, and also rather palpitable plans to move to both Alaska and Istanbul, which were eventually discarded.
-I've been listening to a lot of Bob Dylan circa '64-'65 this week.
-I have been rather deathly afraid or writing, and have willfully avoided it pretty constantly. I think we can all agree that this is pretty stupid.
-I have been free of romantic entanglements for over a good year now. This is certinally a personal record, and I speculate that it might also place me atop a list of my friends and close aquintances. I also wonder if I even remember how to "date." The very act of kissing seems even more incomprehensible than it did when I was 15, and I am sure that if I ever again find myself in a place where !!kissing a girl on the lips!! is a possibility, I will botch it quite miserably. Perhaps I should just take a vow of, what do they call it? celebacy?
Except that it is not that I would not like to be involved with a girl, it is just that I don't want to waste my time and energy only to have something fail. Again.
-Actually, I feel about the same way about girls as I do about writing. I think. Goodness, what does THAT mean? I'll leave it for you, dear blog readers, to psychoanalyze. I need to go to sleep.
-I start working full-time on Monday.


Blogger -Aaron- said...

Transcription of conversation i had with Dick Friedman (sp?) this morning after napping at Rio:

D: "So, Aaron, not getting enough sleep, huh? Staying up late with the girl?"

me: "No, staying up late with the books, actually...

D: "Well, girls are better than books."

me: That's right!

So that's the word of the day to you, sir. Girls are better than books.

Thu Nov 16, 12:02:00 PM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

This advice may in fact be true. I suspect that it is.
However, for someone with a demonstrated inability to be attract to the ladies, it is NOT AT ALL HELPFUL.

Maybe books < girls < being a hermit forever.

Thu Nov 16, 02:23:00 PM PST  

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