I like real-time counters. When I worked on the newspaper in high school we used to occationally get press kits from record lables and movie studios. One such packet included a "Count Down to Armageddon" clock that would tell us how many days, hours, minutes and seconds remained until the blockbuster Bruce Willis movie hit theatres. It was sort of mesmerizing. So is this. It's also kind of horrifying.
When nearly all domestic programs (uncluding education, transportation, health care for the eldertly) in the country are facing huge looming budget cuts, and we continue to spend more and more on security and forigen wars, you have to start wondering what happened to this country. As Americans we're facing a much lower quality of life than we've seen in years, our young people are fighting a war in a country we had no business invading in the first place, and our national debt is higher than it's ever been.
I'm not trying to be snide or ironic or anything when I say this, but truly, it does seem that the terrorists have won. They've managed to get our country to reroute all our funds, energy and attention on potential threats, both real and imagined, while at home things spiral further and further down the drain.
I hope that I don't need a new Armageddon count-down clock.
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