Sunday, November 19, 2006

Two videos:

These are the first real "films" I have made in a long time. I put them together for today's service at Canvas Church. Please check them out and let me know what you think:

A). Fast

B). Slow


Blogger Grant said...

Would you mind explaining context?

From an outside point of view, and with the videos back to back (not sure if they're supposed to be) it came across as consumerism vs. nature.

Mon Nov 20, 09:59:00 AM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

The videos were part of the same service, but with quite a bit of stuff inbetween them. I didn't really know what "stuff" that would be when I made them, though.

We were talking about time and how we use time in church, so the videos were supposed to be less about consumerism and nature and more about the difference between trying to force everything at once and taking life as it comes ... which are kind of connected to consumerism and nature, respectively, although the second video has got a lot of urban stuff in it, in that most of it was either shot from inside a car or a train or on a skateboard.

With context out of the way, though -- how did you like 'em?

Mon Nov 20, 06:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

Hey man! i kind of got the same impression Grant had: consumerism vs. nature. Without text narrating the second one it was quite a different experience, too. The second one was a little harder to see, particularly the parts with lots of motion &/or lights at nighttime-->it probably looked better before it went through youtube though. Aside from that, another message that i get out of it is that you don't need to spend money or be "entertained" always, as there is plenty of entertainment out there in the world in the simple things. God in the small things, if you will (i am aware that this is a book, and no i haven't read it).Many things which you need are not these things actually (entertainment, lots of food, endless supplies of clothes) and some of the things we do need are things like focus, solitude, a sense of growth, and perseverance. Even in such an urban area as we inhabit, there are plenty of non-man-made phenomena to enjoy, and some of them mesh quite nicely with other man made ones (skateboards, trains, and automobiles, for example); that is unless you go to the mall or to certain areas of town where billboards abound more that air molecules and the endless lines of backed-up cars hurling oil into the atmosphere choke you both visually and literally as you topple over.

Fri Dec 01, 07:38:00 PM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

*topples over*

Sat Dec 02, 07:58:00 AM PST  

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