Wednesday, May 04, 2005

They look so nice with golden brads

I finished the first draft of my second feature film script on Sunday night. Somehow it ended up that I wrote over 50 pages in basically a weekend, but I'm not really sure how that happened, especially since I also spent a few hours that weekend trying to beat Solitaire on Vegas mode, which isn't exactly a productive way to write a screenplay.
Apparently it worked.
Monday was the deadline for submissions for the Chapman Film Awards and I turned in three scripts: the dream noir one I just finished (117ish pages), the vampire rock one(also 117ish, but more like 115), and the Joan of Arcadia spec (56y pages) I wrote last year. I guess I sound like a geek. But whatever. They needed six copies of each script, and each script needed two shiny brads to bind it together.
All told, it took nearly 1680 sheets of paper and 72 brads for me to turn everything in, and I spent a good deal of Monday sitting on the floor of the film school office punching holes in every single one of those pages so I could brad them all together.
I also was a bit of a printer mercenary since I had such an overwhelming amount to print (that's over three reams of paper, by the way) and ended up using three printers over two days, and received a bit of a nasty (though politely worded!) note from another student since I set the only printer in one lab to print out over three hundred pages and then went to class.
Sorry about that. :(
That minor casualty aside, I feel proud that I was able to turn in three finished (if not totally polished) scripts. Regardless of whether I win or am nominated, I feel like just submitting was significant accomplishment, and I don't usually say this about my own work and mean it, but "hurrah!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aro13, it's good learn that you're putting out quanity and hopefully quality. Honing your skills in punching and collating will undoubtally be useful.

Wed May 04, 11:22:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you- I know it was hard to pull it all together, but you did. And that brings you ahead in that dream script, which should make life a little easier for a little while, right?
Oh, and I read all of the scripts (only the dream one this weekend) and they are excellent and exciting. They would definitely be worth seeing on screen!

Wed May 04, 11:28:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job, Aaron! Hurrah for you! Hope you used spellcheck! :)

Wed May 04, 01:46:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks for the nice words, everyone. And yes, I did spellcheck! and had a proof-reader! :)

I spellchecked this blog, too -- did something slip through?

Thu May 05, 12:31:00 PM PDT  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

Hey man, i think you're going to win. Actually, i ORDERED that you'd win by sabotaging the system and burning up all other applications...(not really)...i just have a strong feeling that you will win! Also, i thought by 'brads' you had meant to type 'braids' before reading the text of your blog, but then i realized you really did mean brads, and i also learned what brads are! Well, actually, i already knew what they are, but learned that they are called brads instead of brackets, which is what i always thought they were...

As far as printing out a gajillion-zillion-manillion pages, i am sure you are entitled to that as some sort of 'Revenge of the Lab Technician' or something along those lines. The fact that you proceed to go to class after that just cracks me up.

love, aaron

Fri May 06, 05:32:00 AM PDT  

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