Saturday, April 30, 2005

The I

Always: I am writing! Only twenty pages left to go!
Today: We might go on a free ride on the train! Yippee! also: LUNCH!
Yesterday: We watched 'The Interpreter' which was the first movie I've seen in the theaters since, oh man, I have no idea since when. Maybe 'The Incredibles.' So I guess now you all know what it takes to get me into a movie theater. Just name your film 'The {something that begins with I}"! It was good. Here are things I liked about it:
-the scene where "oh my gosh, all the main guys are riding the same bus and some are good and some are bad and maybe someone will be killed but they can't stop the bus so no one can escape and they are talking anout politics and secret pasts and how maybe stuff might be blown up and who knows who is who and !!!!!!!!" was pretty good.
-it was basically about how you shouldn't try and get revenge on people because then you are just sad. Which I think is true! If only the Punisher would watch this movie and change his dark, punishing ways! Then there might be fewer annoying and crappy comic books in the world. yay!
-I did not noticed that Nichole Kidman was Nichole Kidman (or however you spell her name??) at least half of the time, which could have been because her hair was in her face, but I think it also could be because she did a good job acting.
-I have learned to avoid letting the characters in my movies have long, flowy bangs that hang in their face because they will look different in every cut and be very distracting in at least one major scene.
-They filmed in in the real life U.N.!!! It was like "staring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn and the U.N.!" Actually, they should have just called it "Sean Penn and the U.N. because that sounds cool. Maybe he'll write a children's book about his experiences there!
-Sean Penn's character is hardcore because he unplugs the jukebox when it's not playing music he likes, and then MAKES it play music he likes! And the music he likes is all sad and you're like "aww, he's hardcore AND sad!" Also, it was music that my dad likes, and I like my dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also like the issue going on in Africa in the movie- a new ruler, seeming to bring about good change, still ends up killing a bunch of 'terrorists'- it's good to look at more world-issues. And it's also good to get away from filmakers obsessions with Russian enemies (the Africans weren't enemies, but a couple of them appeared evil).

Sun May 01, 10:07:00 PM PDT  

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