Monday, February 28, 2005

Dead Sea Scrollz

It seems almost impossible for me to concentrate sometimes in the middle of the day. Classes between 1 and 3 PM are nearly always a challenge to stay focused in, and today I think I probably fell asleep twice without knowing it while reading The Dead Sea Scrolls. I was taking notes, and started to write down things that didn't have anything to do with what I was reading. When I cleared my mind again, I had no idea where some of the thoughts came from.
Still, The Dead Sea Scrolls are interesting, and I have a certian fondness for old writings with names like "The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness" and especially, "The Coming Doom." The first one seemed to be a plan for an actual war, including battle plans and instructions for building weapons, preperations for the final battle that apparently would cleanse the world. On a cursory reading, it seemed that unlike The Revelation to John, this book was meant to be taken rather literally.
"The Coming Doom" was much less specific, and hardly cataclysmic at all. It asked why people are universally opposed to wrongdoing, yet still do wrong, and foretold a time when the world will be filled with knowledge, wiping away all ignorance and evil. That's gnosticism for you!
There's some crazy and very interesting stuff in all these sacred Jewish and Christian scriptures that exist outside the Bible, and I'll probably be writing more about them soon. Even without being widely distributed and talked about every Sunday, they've contributed quite a lot to the general understanding of Christianity. You might be surprised at how much you think you know comes from a few books you've never read.


Blogger Stephanie said...

I was "next blog-ing" by and found your blog. I enjoy it hehe ;)
Just wanted to say "Hi"!

Tue Mar 01, 08:00:00 AM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Jon - the translation I was using was just the one they had at the library and it was pretty old, from the early seventies I think, so I can't really recommend it. I don't really know what's out there in terms of more recent, possibly more complete translations.

I read some of 1 Enoch two weeks ago and found it fascinating. That's probably what I'll talk about next time I bring up obscure religious texts :)

Stephanie - Thanks for the comment!I enjoy hitting that next button over and over again sometimes, too! I'm glad you liked my site, I'll check yours out, too!

Tue Mar 01, 08:29:00 AM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Just read some more of the DSS book again tonight and checked the copywrite date -- 1956!

Wed Mar 02, 12:14:00 AM PST  

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