Sunday, February 20, 2005


It's been raining off and on like crazy down here the last couple of days, and I guess other parts of So. Cal have started flooding again. Yay global warming? The rain kept me in bed this morning because I kept hearing it and thinking it was Ed in the shower. Then I woke up 10 minutes before church and didn't have time for a shower!
Erin and I made lemonaide ice cubes today! You add one of them and some sugar to a cup of water for instant refreshment! (Although we haven't tried it yet.) We got a huge grocery bag full of lemons from out Bible study last Wednesday (I'm still not sure why) and today we squeezed the guts out of about a dozen of them. Since we didn't have a plastic juicer thing, we had to do it all by hand, although perhaps it's good for the skin? Anyway, the whole house smelled like lemons, to the point that Ed, upstairs on the computer, was trying to figure out if he'd somehow spilled something sour on his hands. We strained out the seeds and pulp and then I poured the juice into an ice cube tray, one cubespace at a time. We filled two trays and still had enough left for three of us to have lemonaide for lunch.
Erin hates most citrus things and certinally can't stand lemonaide, but the whole thing was her idea! It was fun! Now I suppose I should try and write more screenplay stuff.

Music: Ed's playlist. Formerly the Eels, but now it's Bush.
Reading: The Sketchbook Diaries vol. 4 by James Kochalka


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron,

I really like the name of your blog--the "slowseason" part, I mean. It feels like a description of my life right now. Things are just inching along. I wish I knew when they would start to move again. And I agree with you on disliking numbers in titles.

Also, thanks for the link. :) Maybe I'll add one to you. Would you mind?

Other than that, the page looks very professional. This is one of the most professional-looking personal websites I've seen. Way to go. I think I might start recommending you for freelance web design.

And lastly, blogspot aka blogger changed its comment set-up! This is great. It's actually better than tblog now.

Oh, and keep doing such a good job taking care of Erin. She's lucky to have a guy like you.


Sun Feb 20, 10:01:00 PM PST  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

Hey Aro, the new site looks great! Awesome photo on the main page...who took that? man i need to get that guy to photography for me! anyway dude i need to go do some other stuff, so i'll read more of your blog later when i get the chance. take care bro-tear.

Mon Feb 21, 04:49:00 AM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks for the comments, both of you! I spent quite a while on getting the site to look the way I wanted it to, but can't take all the credit -- I just modified one of blogger's templates (check out if you want to see how much I changed) since I'm lame and don't know how to set up tables or actually design a layout for the page. So they did the hard work.

Plus AC took the photograph.

And I agree with you about the commenting system! I've grown quite fond of these little pop-up windows and used to use haloscan, but they seem to delete comments after a couple of months, since everything anyone else wrote on my old site has now vanished. Hopefully blogger stores these more permanently.

Chuck, I hope you gain a sense of forward momentum in your life soon. You just have to have faith that things are moving forward, and towards a purpose, even when it all seems backwards or going nowhere. But I know the feeling you're going through. Hang in there.

Mon Feb 21, 12:32:00 PM PST  

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