Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Full Moon Fever

I heard that the moon tonight was going to be a full one, and appear larger than it has since I was four, so I went out to look for it, barefoot down sidewalk and culdesacs, past kids past their bedtimes and bedroom windows bathed television blue. When I found my way clear of the houses and trees, the only lights in the sky came from billboards, overhead parking lot lamps, and a few headlights flashing on the overpass.
Maybe it will still be large tomorrow. Maybe I can find a tall building to stand on, and snap a picture it hanging still pregnant and low on the horizon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh- great description, Aaron!
you always word things in a romantic, mystical way.
And although I couldn't find a camera, I did end up finding the moon- it was southwest when I saw it, with shadows od a tree reaching up to touch it. when I went downtstairs, I could only see a smidget of it, and if I hadn't known it was the moon, I wouldn't thought it was a street lamp.

Thu Jun 23, 03:42:00 PM PDT  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

the Munich Moon mooned me too.
a high noon, too soon, twelve-noon night moon. i wonder if we saw the same moon? it was a bit too hot and i slept with the window open. if it was cooler i would have done something else: i would have slept curled up in a blanket cocoon with a warm soup and a soup spoon and wondered if the moon was an animated cartoon, or if it was really a meterological ballon. my soul sings in tune with the month of june to a melancholy tune which i hope will end soon; the ladies swoon, my head swoons in the heat of this strewn-with-sun European afternoon.
good night moon.

Fri Jun 24, 05:15:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Aaron said...

After reading A.C.'s post, I am filled with an overwhelming urge to applaud. Bravo!

p.s. - in the book Goodnight Moon, wasn't there a part about a bowl full of mush? was it just because it rhymed with hush (as in "a quiet old lady whispering ...")? Because really, having a bowl of moldy mush in a child's bedroom is probably not sanitary, even if the child is a bunny.
Maybe it was emitting toxic fumes and the "quiet old lady" was plotting the young bunny's demise. I suppose that would account for the gloomy mood of that book. yow!

Fri Jun 24, 02:24:00 PM PDT  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

crazy... you know what? i have never actually read the book Good Night Moon--leastways i don't rightly remember it if i did...

However, indeed: yow!

Sat Jun 25, 01:13:00 AM PDT  

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