There do not seem to be enough hours!
I think I need to work harder to get everything I need to do done! But I also need to sleep. Some sort of writing about the Portland trip shall come soon, but in the meantime, please check out the latest comic strips over at True Tales of Bravery and Honor, which deal with George Washington.

It's a different style for us, but I'm pretty excited about it. Writing strips about real-life presidents is harder than writing about real-life ninjas, however!
Also, pastor Aaron Flores is blogging about our PDX trip on his weblog, so check that out, too! The first one is about chasing waterfalls and the second is about the fabled Pearl district, which I didn't even know was fabled!!
Also #2, I just found the new trailer for X-Men 3 today and I may or may not have watched it at work three or more times.
I am going to update my sidebar links and then go to bed! If you want me to change or add your link, let me know!
Yay for X-Men! i tried to watch it the other day and i had to update quicktime which took a while and then i was like, "eh..."
...but now i've watched it and: AWESOME!
Does PDX stand for anything in particular aside from being the Porland airport's call letters? (aka SJC comes from San Jose Jet Center)
...and LAX comes from Los
The third and most exciting installment is up and running now, called Woo!!! Fat Tire. Wonder what that's about?
"Pastor" Aaron
i no longer have a website, fyi
Aaron C: I think it just stands for Portland X-Men! or something. I actually like the use of the letter X in airport names, since I think it stands for "crossing" which is what the "x" symbol stands for, but not what the letter x means, so it's half-way to a pun I guess. If I was smarter, I'd have a smarter, clearer way to explain that.
Aaron F: Sweet! I haven't seen it yet, since I've been at work, but I hope it is not TOO emberassing.
Emilie: fine, then! Maybe I should just redirect people to your family's Christmas letter site instead. I actually read ALL of those one time I think. Your dad cracks me up.
Well, i didn't read them, but those photos are something else! The eighties are great, kids keep coming, and then, oh my! SWEET facial hair! Too bad it's tamed down...
Everyone needs a true true tale of a ninja now and then:
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