Thursday, February 23, 2006

All the girls who like me are twelve. eek!

I skateboard to work in a suit and five days a week. So far this hasn't brought me as many questions or strange looks as I thought it would. The only people who seem to notice me are old people and children.
An odd case in point:
This morning I skated past the soccer field at Yorba Middle School and passed a group of girls who were probably out jogging for PE. They were going the opposite direction as me and there was only a chain link fence and a few feet between us, so I made sure to not really look at them as we passed each other because 1). eye contact with strangers can be awkward and 2). Middle school girls!! gross!
But as I skated away, I heard a few catcalls behind me: "Hey, cutie!" "Where ya goin'?!"
"I'm going to WORK," I yelled back as the distance between us increased, "Where are YOU going?" The implied answer was, "school! You're going to school! You're in eight grade! I'm going to work because I'm ten years older than you!"
What is happening to our children???!!
Now I have to admit that I was just a *little* flattered, but that is only because the lady-folk always seem to be far more interested in my friends and roommates, and any time a woman comes close to flirting with me it seems to be some sort of anomaly in gender-relations. This incident was, of course, was the exception that proves the rule:

Apparently, there ARE girls who are interested in me! :D

And they are all twelve. :(

There are two explanations for this. The first, and most probable, is that middle school girls have no concept of what actually makes a male attractive. (Since all the boys their age are four feet tall, high-pitched and pimply, you can't really blame them.)
It's either that, or the female taste in men is evolving, and the women of the future will be fawning all over gangly guys with brillow-pad hair and no fashion sense.
Which would mean I was born TEN YEARS TOO LATE!!


Blogger -Aaron- said...

Truer words were never spoken from these lips. Or those lips. ...or those lips? Well, somebody's lips.

Mon Feb 27, 11:07:00 AM PST  
Blogger Aaron said...

whose lips are we speaking about here?

Mon Feb 27, 03:19:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great, seriously Aro, anytime I need to make myself feel better I'll just go to your blog.
hey, you can't feel too bad about the twelve year old girls, you did get "hollered"at...just be glad you didn't fall in front of them, that would have brought on a lot of cackle laughling and pointing and staring, middle school girls are mean.
if it'll make you feel better, I'll yell at you unabashedly and ask you where you're off to? let me know.
the squiggly (~) is my favorite thing on my computer.

Wed Mar 15, 02:36:00 PM PST  

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