Monday, July 11, 2005


I am not dead.
I would write a lot, but I have to be up at six in the morning and go to work. So perhaps tomorrow? In the meantime, here's a brief live-journal style rundown!

Music: White Stripes
Book: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
Feeling: Just drunk water.
Noticing: Big bag of special dirt sitting on my window sill. I guess I'll water the orchid.
Shirt color: Orange.
City name: Orange.
Most nutritious juice, which we are almost out of: Low Acid Orange.
Cake: Do you have any? I wish I did.

ps, I am on myspace now. So is my seven-year old cousin. But unlike him, I don't have any RAD songs I wrote myself up there.


Blogger -Aaron- said...

So you gave in, eh? i also. Though my site is DEFINITELY less cool than themagics! Oh my, what a SWEET song! Seven. SEVEN!

Wed Jul 13, 03:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Grant said...

I really like how when you leave a comment on your site after you write what you want to write it says, "Choose an identity." It's like I get to choose who I want to be just for that one moment in time.

I suggest they add a few options:

-Secret Agent
-Mortal Enemy
-Rock Star

(that way anyone can choose to be me for a little bit. though I'm not sure if I recommend it)

p.s. Go get some more orange juice and then let's all hang out.

Wed Jul 13, 09:22:00 AM PDT  

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