Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Real America Labor is the Labor of Gettin' Down!

Labor Day!
'Tis a day when all laboring must come to a rest, as if America itself decided that God had not put enough Sundays in the year! Now one day of rest in a week is fine, and usually necessary, but two days of rest is excessive. Americans can simply stand to rest for that long! Locked into a routine of working hard five days a week, we are compelled to toil on the extra day of rest at PARTYING HARD! Preferably with a Barbecue! And pie! And air-guitaring!
And so it was much to my surprise to find that no one I knew was planning any sort of party or general carousing whatsoever this past Labor Day Wizeekend!* None! I was shocked, but not deterred. For what is America but the land of opportunity?! I elected (in true patriot form) to hold a party on my own!
To say that I hosted the party myself is a bit of a misnomer, however. All I really did was provide a time and a place. My friends were the ones who came together and made the party. Together we shared food, drinks, stories, music, etc, etc, mush, mush, friendship, mush, mush. It was truly a grand time, and I am thankful for wonderful friends. When we work together, the labor of partying is that much easier and the partying is that much hardier! Hoorah for teamwork! Hoorah for friendship! Hoorah for DEMOCRACY!
At one point we used my computer to play modified karaoke with Garage Band, recording our vocals over some of our favorite songs.
Probably the best of the bunch was this version of "Lean On Me" which features a rotating choir of whoever happened to be walking by at the time, as well as a stunning section where we are singing like two measures ahead of the actual song. Brilliant!
Also, here is Kirsten adding harmonies to Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man," which sound pretty good until I join her for a verse and mess things up.
We also did a version of "Straight Up Now Tell Me" by Paula Abdul, but the girls stood too far from the computer and all you can hear is me, and it's really embarrassing. Sorry, but you don't get to hear it. There are two reasons for this:
1). Trust me, you don't want to, and 2). I am the boss here!
Anyway, it was a wonderful time. Please enjoy the following footnote, related to the above statement that there were no parties in my neighborhood over the weekend:

*This is not entirely true, for the Orange International Street Fair was being held only a few blocks away in The Circle. I have a love-hate relationship with the street fair. On one hand, it is always uncomfortably crowded and the only cultural lesson it has to impart is that, along with beer, the universal five-dollar beverage, almost every country proudly features sausage as their national food item of choice, proving that it is indeed a small world after all. On the other hand, a gathering that size only happens in Orange once a year, and it is full of tiny children, biker grandpas, underage college skanks, burned out rockers and their tattoo'd girlfriends. It's the best place to go to be reminded of Orange County's underground, flourishing, time-tested white American red-neck culture!


Blogger -Aaron- said...

yes! Thanks Aro. What a patriot!

Wed Sep 06, 06:25:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Grant said...

Actually, the beer was only $4.50, the "frozen margaritas" (which gets put in quotes because they were neither frozen nor margaritas (due to heat and some strange thing called 'tequila wine' with which they were made)) were $5 though.

Too bad we didn't all get to hang out. Let's have a beach trip soon. We'll bring a frisbee and a guitar and hot dogs!

Thu Sep 07, 03:03:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Aaron said...

Better bring two guitars -- so I can SMASH ONE OF THEM!!
But yes, we should do that!

(price of beer is dully noted. I ended up buying some weird Jack Daniels "malt beverages" that tasted like soda from the Chinese Liquor Store because alcohol was no longer being served when I was at the street fair. I still have one left if anyone wants to try it! [those of legal age only])

Thu Sep 07, 04:49:00 PM PDT  

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