Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Work is even earlier tomorrow (4 AM!) so here are short, two sentence thoughts before the final Comicon story. in no particular order.

I check the mail nearly every day, but all that's ever there are ads and Ed's bank statements. Then yesterday, all the books that I'd ordered this summer came at once!
My face is starting to look red in the mirror, even though I have been wearing sunscreen. I hope my skin doesn't turn leathery.
We had to wait over three hours at work today before Ramiro and his forklift could clear the old pipes off of the rack and bring us new ones to undent. I sat in the shadows between two large pipes and talked to God.
When I was home on Monday, my dad gave me some Willi Wonka Hostess cakes and grape flavored candy vines (like licorice) from a purple-themed gift bag. For the past three days I've relied on these things as a primary source of energy and nutrition.
Sometimes, I can never make up my mind. And I write too long and not enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the purple candy is turning your face pink? That kind of thing happens in movies, at least.
I'm happy you got books! I love mail, too, and am happy with anything that is semi-personal, like dental appointment reminders and 'all's-clear'(s) from the doctor.
I like reading inserts about various aspects of your life- it gives a round image of your life, but it's also good to read your in-depth entries, because it's so real, it's like I'm there!
You're a great writer, Aaron.

Thu Jul 28, 07:48:00 AM PDT  

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