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May 11:
(I made the flyer. I like it. But a lot of people don't like the things that I like. What do you all think? Give me your honest opinion -- is it fantastic? or DOOMtastic?)
crap, that's what I was afraid of. What unspeakable horrors have I unwittingly leashed upon the earth???
...it's unique and has character.
I'm not sure how music fits into the Fantastic Four. i wouldn't say that it is "DOOMtastic", in fact, i'm not sure exactly what to call it.
Nice effort Aro. very neat.
I like it too!
I'm slightly confused due to my comic-book stupidity. Are those last names the names of the F-4 characters? Or do they just have cool names?
I love the google map behind it.
They are the real names of the bands! The FF don't have much to do with it besides the fact that Kyle (Christopher) Warner asked me to do something with super heroes.
Good job catching what the background is! That's my favorite part, too -- it actually is a map of the Ugly Mug and the surrounding area. in blue.
Ok, that's where my confusion came in, with the middle name thang. But seriously, don't Autumn Equinox and Lex Land sound like super heroes?
Wow, yeah, they totally do.
Aro, i think the problem is that you didn't use any REAL superheroes, like, say, Superman for example.
yeah, or cyclops from the x-men.
yeah, or uh, batman.
What about Psylock, White Queen, Pheonix, etc?
Don't forget the girls!!!
Oh, nevermind. I saw Invisible Woman in the pic, ignore me.
Is Batman a superhero??? He doesn't have any real powers, he's more like the McGuyver(sp?) of Gotham; has nifty gadgets, solves mysteries, gets the girl...but no super powers.
I don't know . . . I thought AC was throwing Superman in there because Ed hates him soooo much, so I added Cyclops because Ed hates HIM even more.
Ed has a lot of aggression towards goody-goody superheroes it seems.
but anyway, then I realized that he doesn't read this blog very often and probably won't ever see that. so sad! all the tormenting gone to waste.
Speaking of female superheroes -- check out the Invisible Woman's hair in this picture! there's just so much of it! And how does she get her bangs to do that??? I know it was the '60s, but still!
the mind boggles.
Hey Aro, thanks for knowing me.
Easy. They had blow dryers and mouse and hairspray in the sixties,right? Invisible Woman is just very good with a hairdryer and a round brush.
I bet we could get your bangs like that, Aro ;) next time I come down we're SO gonna do your hair.
I'll be sure to wear my bangs like that next time I see you.
haha aro I love how everyon likes to do your hair! HEHE
Aro's hair is just like a "poof" of fun! ;)
wow! i came in late in the game on this one, but bravo! good blog banter! here here!
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