Monday, September 19, 2005

Late for the sky

I was just finishing up writing my True Gladiator Tales epic tonight when I heard the sound of rain. I often wishfully mistake the sound of sprinklers on the pavement for rain, but when I heard the real thing I realized that there's no real comparison. This started small, but turned into a regular torrent, reverbing off of my roof and sending the neighborhood skateboard kids scattering home.
I rushed out with my camera to feel it on my skin, and maybe catch some rare pictures.
But I was too late. That scarce storm was made even rarer by lasting less than five minutes. The sunlight was beautiful, though, so I did snap some photographs.

The divided stormy sky, looks like a tri-tiered flag behind all our obstructions.

And then I turned and saw:

a faint benediction on our murky orange horizon.

there are two rainbows here, coming to earth, cutting through the power lines.

And a thrid rainbow was not far away.

(music: Sleater Kinney -- Dig Me Out)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ukrainian brides? Do you think they want to learn English? Maybe that's the market I should aim for.
Very cool pics- rainbows are so powerful sometimes. It rained here the other day, which was great because we were having a drought, and also because rain is just great in and of itself. I like listening to it and feeling it. It's too bad SoCal doesn't get more. Or thunder. That's one of the best parts of a storm- the rumbling. And lightning streaks.

Tue Sep 20, 05:56:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Bri said...

Awesome pictures

Tue Sep 20, 03:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Aaron said...

hmmm, nice way to sneak the Ukranian brides in their when I thought you were talking about the Associated Press, anonymous! well I'm onto you now!

Erin- Rain is cool, and always welcome. We also ended up having both thunder AND lightning that night, which was neat. I was out with Christina and she was scared and wanted to crawl under a table to hide, which made it even more fun for me! ha ha ha ha! There was also lightning outside while I was at work today, but no one was hit. hooray!

Brianna- Thanks!

Tue Sep 20, 10:55:00 PM PDT  
Blogger -Aaron- said...

i too experienced the sheer joy of this day.

Tue Sep 27, 12:37:00 AM PDT  

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