Saturday, March 19, 2005

Liquid photos

Living with musicians means I've taken a lot of pictures and video of concerts, and I've discoverd that photographs just turn out different under low-wattage lights with rock and roll vibrating through the air.
Here's a picture of the Kindred Fall show last night, taken with the flash on.

And here are some pictures under the natural haze of colored lights. They're a lot redder, but there's some magic in there, too.


Blogger Grant said...

what's the white spot on your chin in that one picture?

oh, and you take the coolest band photos ever!

oh, and my eyes in the bottle one are creepy.

Sat Mar 19, 02:08:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron, I loved this post, too! I have taken it as my own. Matter of fact, I used it on granny today. That one sentence could replace most of the contradictory books written by the so-called living trust attorney southern california experts.

Tue Nov 29, 11:04:00 PM PST  

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